The Problem with Faint Blue Galaxies

The problem with so many faint blue galaxies at the edge, or end, of our Universe -- assuming that it has an end -- is simply that they are the wrong color to support the Big Bang / random explosion that is said to have Created our Universe.  For the redshift expansion theory, if it is correct, says that things that are moving toward us are blue, and things moving away from us are red.  In other words, it appears that -- at least the furthest portion of -- our universe is collapsing in on itself, rather than expanding, and this throws a cosmological monkey wrench at the entire Big Bang theory.  The options that appear evident are either that the Universe is not expanding, that it expanded and is now contracting, or that it is more complex than we thought.  I opt for the third option, which has turned out to be the case with life itself: that was once thought to simply be a "blob of plasm" that has, in fact, turned out to be loaded with machinery and information.

In an article called The Evolution of the Universe, John P. Huchra and Margaret J. Geller tell us that: "There appears to be a relatively random distribution of small distant blue galaxies," and that "Each square degree of sky contains more than 300,000 blue galaxies..." 1

Another article says that "A key astronomical observation is that galaxy counts reveal a large ... density of very faint, blue, field galaxies."  And that "Despite intensive observational and theoretical work for nearly two decades, such high counts remain a major cosmological mystery..." and that "even deeper ... surveys by several groups ... did not reveal the expected, high-redshift population..."  The authors also state that "the galaxies indeed exceed their model predictions by large factors ..."They also "strongly suggest that we need to invoke an unknown, possible complex, mixture of physical processes to account for the faint blue galaxies, rather than ... a single ... mechanism ..." 2

Another article tells us that: "while confirming the existence of a blueward trend of galaxy colors at faint magnitudes, it is found that the colors of the faintest galaxies are generally not as blue as found by Tyson (1988) ..." 3

Another article says that the "Blue Galaxies are small distant galaxies, billions of light years away. We are therefore seeing them as they were when both they and the universe were ... young.  You might think that because (they) are so far away that their light would be ... strongly red ..." (but we believe, and/or speculate that they) "... were forming new stars ..." (and that this may, perhaps, (?) be why) "... most of their light was emitted in the blue and u.v. regions of the spectrum ..." 4  Note also that to accept this new explanation means that the redshift -- expansion / contraction -- theory is no longer valid and that redshift can no longer be used with confidence to measure the distance to, or speed of, anything: at least not at, or near, the outer limits of our Universe.

2. Tackling the Nature of Faint Blue Galaxies ... at 
3. A Deep Imaging and Spectroscopic Survey of faint galaxies, Lilly, Cowie & Gardner, Astrophysical J., Pt. 1, v. 369, 3/01/91, pp. 79-105
4. See the Blue Galaxies link at

See also: The Big Bang and the Age of the Earth and What Happened to the Dark Matter

See also: Faint Blue Galaxies at: